UK, US, Norway warn South Sudan over violations of cease fire agreement


Countries including UK, the U.S and Norway have warned South Sudan following the information that the two fighting parties defied the cease fire agreement that was signed in December 2017.

Reports reported that on December 20, the two South Sudan fighting parties of the Government led by Salva Kiir, the President, and the rebels’ group led by Riekh Machar, met in Ethiopia on December 20 and signed an agreement that was meant to end the almost five years civil war in South Sudan.

The agreement is said to had to be implemented just days after it was signed. Unfortunately, sources show that the two parties violated the agreement and the fight is still on.

The signed agreement also calls on all fighting sides to allow unrestricted humanitarian access to the needy people. It is said that, millions of people in the East African nation are in need of aid but the United Nations and others have repeatedly expressed frustration at obstacles to its delivery.

The UK, U.S and Norway showing concern, they threatened to impose either group or individual sanctions to South Sudan as a punishment for violating the cease fire agreement that was supposed to help bring peace to the war torn State.

The United States, Britain and Norway form a group that supported the 2005 accord leading to the independence of South Sudan from Sudan.

The three States added that field commanders and their political bosses would be held accountable for violating the ceasefire and impeding humanitarian assistance.

‘We call on all signatories, and the field commanders who answer to them, to immediately end all military operations,’ the three Western countries said in a statement.

The civil war in South Sudan began in 2013 after Salva Kiir fired his then Vice President Riekh Machar. The war has since then been fought largely along ethnic lines between forces loyal to Kiir, who is Dinka, and Machar, who is Nuer.

The war has also seen to millions of people fleeing from the country, settling in the neighboring countries as refugees, and others killed in the course.














Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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