In Madagascar, the “Fisandratana 2030” vision plan presented today proposes a national pact to set the country on the path to emergence by 2030


ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar, January 25, 2018/ — Today, on the occasion of his fourth anniversary in office, in front of an audience of 1,200 people including state, private sector and civil society representatives, the President of the Republic of Madagascar, HE Hery Rajaonarimampianina, presented the country’s strategy for growth and transformation by 2030. This plan, titled “Fisandratana 2030” (meaning emergence and rebirth in Malagasy), places the country in a new dynamic of inclusive growth and aims to double the wealth per capita by 2030.

Based on a thorough analysis of the social and economic mechanisms at work in the country, the Fisandratana 2030 plan extends the National Development Plan (NDP 2015-2019) and relies on the achievements of the last four years in order to optimize the country’s growth drivers and potentials. Fisandratana 2030 is also based on a collective ambition carried by all development actors, from both public and private sectors and by the Malagasy nation as a whole.

Focusing on four economic development hubs, it includes an ambitious transport, energy and health infrastructure program, to support seven priority economic sectors for Madagascar’s growth and development: food agriculture, sustainable use of rare agricultural and forestry products, fisheries and aquaculture, light industry, mining, precious stones, and tourism.

With an ambition to create 5 million jobs by 2030, to multiply the GDP by 3.5 and to reach the 70th position on the Human Development Index (HDI) global ranking, the Fisandratana 2030 plan has set the following priorities: education, vocational training, health and nutrition.

President Hery Rajaonarimampianina explained: “After having initiated governance reforms and stabilized the institutions since coming to power, I wish to go further in reforming the state in order for it to be considered as a real partner of the Malagasy population. The objective is clear: ending the Malagasy paradox, which allows poverty despite huge economic potential. In order to do so, we must liberate the national productive forces, improve the business climate, fight corruption, and promote an effective state at the service of the people. What I am proposing is a new national pact. The Fisandratana 2030 plan sets a course to achieve a collective ambition and put an end to past mistakes.”

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