Trial results of HIV vaccine fail to prevent virus


The National Institute of Health has stopped its HVTN 702 trial, following its inability to prevent HIV.

Expressing his disappointment, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which conducted the trial, regretted that the vaccine did not work as expected.

“An HIV vaccine is essential to end the global pandemic and we hoped this vaccine would work. Regrettably it does not,” Dr Anthony stated.

Nevertheless, he pointed out that the research for an effective HIV vaccine will still continue.

“Research continues on other approaches to a safe and effective HIV vaccine, which I still believe can be achieved,” Anthony added.

A representative from the International Aids Society, Linda Gail Baker also added that, “Whilst this is a significant setback for the field, we need to continue the quest for a preventive vaccine.”

The volunteers which were randomly chosen and who received the vaccines are safe and are not susceptible to any danger.

In countries without prep, the use of condoms and abstinence is the only effective prevention.

Head of policy at Terrain Higgins Trust, Debbie Laylock, noted that, “Through regular testing, condoms, prep and effective treatment which means people living with HIV can’t pass the virus – we now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end the HIV epidemic. It’s vital we seize this.”

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