The Life and Legacy of Anthony Bonelli


By Shireena Drammeh

After living a successful, purposeful life, working for the Federal Reserve Bank, and servicing his community, Anthony 76, succumbed and died from a massive heart attack and other health related complications, according his widower.  Everyone who knew him can sum up his character in one word: noble.

Our fondest memories of Anthony, would be of him and his wife Pat visiting our center on a weekly basis, often times more, sometimes for the Peace Dinner, or a celebration of a Jewish Holiday with the Jews that frequent our center or some other relevant event.   He always wore a smile, always inquired about our well-being and always had a pack of gum for my youngest child, every-time.  He was also patient with her, and anyone who knows my daughter knows that a great deal of patience is called for, in interacting with her.   And Anthony was more than that with her, he took the time to entertain her, spent quality time with her and they had a great rapport together, they shared a special bond.  You see, my daughter suffers from epilepsy, and we are all cognizant of how challenging it can be with someone who has special needs.  But Anthony was a natural with her.  I often see them laughing hilariously together, as if they shared some great big secret.

It was admiral to see them together, at the ease in which they got along, the constant  teasing back and forth, the fun they both had.

As for me, well, I liked his beard, and he would always wear it for me, his wife can attest to that.

My husband often talks about what a great conversationalist Anthony was.  How they could talk for hours, how vast his knowledge was on any given subject.

A walking encyclopedia, he called him.  He especially loved talking about American history and can give you dates and times to collaborate any segment of history.

Oh, the stories he could tell.  It was fascinating listening to him.  He was well read, well-informed and educated.  In short, no one gets bored talking or being in his company.  He had a magnetic personality that attracted everyone to him, a way of talking to you that makes you feel special, he was calm, so you always feel reassured in his presence.  Always the gentleman, Anthony was considerate, cordial and sincere when conversing.  That was his gift to humanity.  He was the kind of person that you can tell everything and anything to.

He was … yeah a great sounding board…

He genuinely loved people and it was reciprocated back to him tenfold, he saw the good in everyone, he was never judgmental.  He valued family and cherished the friendship with the folks in his community.  Quiet, gentle, kind, humble, loyal, affable, traits that are as honorable as Anthony himself.

A man of decency and goodwill.

Anthony was also wise, some may say that with age comes wisdom, but with Anthony you can see it was inherent from earlier on.  He conducted himself amicably and with integrity in his youth and he became more discipline and dignified as he aged.

What I will miss most about him: looking at his beautiful, smiling, welcoming bearded face and talking to him.  His quick laughter, his genuineness, his compassion.

Anthony was more than a friend to us; he was part of the family.  He was a good man, gone too soon.

We will miss those visits with Anthony, of seeing my daughter’s face lit up in his company, of hearing and seeing the hearty laughter he shared with her.

We will always treasure the time spent, the memories shared, the conversations had.  He will live in our hearts and minds forever…

But most important, being in his presence will be missed…

As you have departed this world and left us, as our grip on the world as we know it begins to loosen, as the darkest of the darkness threatens to consume us, we will remember and seek solace from the cloak of your laughter, we will draw strength from the calmness you exuded, and we will let our shared time together keep us warm and comforted, as we know you will not want it any other way.

Alive, you have been our rock and in death it is no different…

We are at peace knowing you are at peace…

And that God answers all prayers…

Until we meet again my brother, my friend…


In the interim,

I will laugh with my daughter as you did…

I will share secrets with her as you did…

I will tease her as you did…

My time with her will have a new, deeper meaning…

And so, shall you be remembered…

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