Thomas Lane, one of four fired Minneapolis officials, released on bail


Thomas Lane, one of the former Minneapolis officials involved in the death of George Floyd, has been released from jail.

Lane, who was accused of aidinig and abetting second-degree and second-degree manslaughter, was released on Wednesday June 10, 2020, from Hennepin County Jail on bail that stood at $1 million.

Lane’s attorney, Earl Gray had earlier regarded the state’s case against Lane, his client as weak on a claim that “Lane was pounding on Floyd trying to revive him.”

“Where is the willful intent?” Gray questioned.

Minneapolis TV station KARE repported that last week, Lane’s lawyer said for four days at the time of the incident of George Floyd at the Minneapolis Police Department, his client had been working at the department.

Thomas Lane, along side other officials Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao and Alexander Kueng responded to a call on the 25th of May at a food store that reported that a counterfeit $20 bill was used in the store.

Gorge Floyd was handcuffed and was restrained to the ground by the officials and Chauvin kneeled on Gorge’s neck for almost nine minutes.

In the act that resulted in the death of a 46-year-old George Floyd, Chauvin was charged with second- and third-degree murder and third-degree manslaughter.

As of 10th Wednesday, the three other former officials Thao, Kueng and Chauvin were still in custody.

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