Trump fixes date for re-election campaign to commemorate independence day


US President Donald Trump has announced that he would be holding his first re-election campaign in Tulsa, Oklahoma on the 19th June known as Juneteeth, the date that African Amricans commemorate the end of slavery in the united states which marks their independence Day.

The news came following weeks of anti-racism protests over the death of George Floyd, a black American man who died in police custody.

In March when the coronavirus shutdown activities and economy in the country, Mr. Trump’s campaign rallies were canceled including rallies scheduled for Colorado, Nevada and Wisconsin. Since this time, no official campaigns have been held.

While announcing the venue, Mr Trump made a reference to what could be considered the low rate of coronavirus infections in Oklahoma, which as of wednesday afternoon has 7,500 confirmed cases and and 355 deaths.

“We’re going to be starting our rallies,” Mr Trump said.

“The first one… will be in Oklahoma, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Beautiful new venue, brand new and they’re looking forward to it. They’ve done a great job with Covid, as you know, in the state of Oklahoma,” he confirmed.

Oklahoma, in which Mr. Trump won more than 36 percent points last four years, began lifting restrictions on April 24. summer camps and workplaces were allowed to open as the state entered its phase 3 of reopening on Jujne 1.

The president campaign officials don’t seem to be willing to put any measures in place by making people who would attend the rallies wear masks, claiming that the state has gone far in its reopening phases.

In 1921, Tulsa saw the worst and bloodiest massacre of the black people in the outbreak of racial violence as black citizens were attacked with guns and explosives by white mobs. About 300 people were killed and mmore than 1,000 businesses and homes were destroyed.

Mr Trump campaign said that his republican party is proud of the role it took in winning the civil war and endind slavery.

Mr Trump also announced on Wednesday that rallies would also hold in Florida, Arizona and North Carolina.

In his re-election bid, which would hold in November, Mr Trump is lagging behind his democratic rival, Joe Biden as Trump rallies have not been energized as they were during the 2016 election campaign.

Mr Trump made it cleaer that he is not willing to speak in front of what he said would look like empty gatherings giving the social distancing order in place, or see attendees all wearing masks, because the president believes the county is getting back to normal and that economy is boucning back.

However, campaign officers have said that they are considering ways of curbing risks of spreading the virus by providing hand sanitizers to people. Though they have yet to decide on proper safety measures to employ to ensure protection and people’s safety during the rallies.

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