UNOCHA: Israeli forces wound 25 Palestinian civilians


The United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in its latest publication has reported that the Israeli occupation forces have wounded 25 Palestinian civilians, including nine children between 2 and 15 June 2020.

In the report, UNOCHA said, “22 of these injuries were recorded during the longstanding weekly demonstrations in Kafr Qaddum (Qalqiliya), held to protest against access restrictions and settlement expansion.”

It continued that, “One of the Palestinians was wounded during a protest near Tubas against the expected annexation of parts of the West Bank and the other two during search and arrest operations in East Jerusalem’s Issawiya neighbourhood and the town of Qabatiya.”

During the reporting period, Israeli forces carried out 120 search-and-arrest operations and arrested around 190 Palestinians.

Of these operations, 28 were recorded in occupied Jerusalem, 26 in the Hebron governorate, 15 in the Ramallah governorate and the rest elsewhere across the occupied West Bank.

“In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces opened fire on at least 35 occasions in the areas adjacent to Israel’s perimeter fence and off the coast.” it added

“On five other occasions, Israeli forces entered Gaza and carried out land-levelling and excavation operations near the perimeter fence, east of Gaza, Beit Lahiya, Jabaliya and Rafah.”

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