French Senate votes to ban use of hijab in sports


The French Senate has voted to ban hijabs in sports competitions, echoing an already longstanding hijab ban by the French football federation.

This was disclosed on Wednesday February 23, 2022, by an American sabre fencer and member of the United States fencing team, Ibtihaj Muhammad

“We’re watching in real time the French government violate the rights of its Muslim citizens,” she said.

She added, “This is what happens when governments and officials (in France, India, Quebec, etc) mask their discrimination with legislation.

“Religious freedom is a human right and we must protect it at all costs.”

Muhammad called on all Muslim Ummah to come together and vehemently denounce discrimination in all of its forms.

“We will not be silent as discriminatory governments revoke the freedoms of our sisters. Every woman should have the choice to wear what she wants and the opportunity to play sports, regardless of her faith,” Muhammad said.

“Challenging us on hijab only strengthens our resolve to wear it. Together we fight,” she concluded.

Muhammad is known for being the first Muslim American woman to wear a hijab while competing for the United States in the Olympics, as well as for winning an Olympic medal wearing it.

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