New proposal to help NYC schools struggling with enrollment


A new proposal is set to assist New York City schools struggling with enrollment. The plan is a proposed expansion of New York City’s gifted and talented program which will encourage families to patronise public schools amid poor enrollment.

The proposal has raised many complicated questions about whether opening gifted programs is the fair thing to do for students who have lacked access to them.

Likewise, whether opening more classrooms for “gifted” students would really be a boost for schools already struggling to attract students.

In the plan, more local districts will be required to expand their gifted classrooms.

Considering its unique position, District 3 Superintendent Christine Loughlin decided not to propose a new gifted program in Harlem, according to Kent Hansan, a member of the local Community Education Council.

Competition from new gifted programs could put already-struggling schools in an even more difficult position, with fewer students and therefore smaller budgets.

Parents believe that without expansion of gifted programs, families will continue to opt out of their local schools and make long commutes to access gifted programs.

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