NYC families impatient for school calendar, budget, high school offers


With 21 days left of school this year, New York City families have expressed impatience and worry over delay in release of school calendar, budget and high school offers.

Many families and educators are fuming that the city has left them without answers to some important questions to help them plan for next year.

The education department has yet to release its calendar for the upcoming school year, which pre-pandemic was shared in March or April and last year was released in May.

Schools don’t have their budgets yet for next year, which is also later than usual. A recent school board vote on the funding formula last month delayed that process.

Recall that the Panel for Educational Policy, or PEP, ended up approving the formula this month, hence education department officials said the budgets and the calendar should be out soon.

“After last week’s PEP vote, we’re working on getting both of these to schools as soon as possible,” said education department spokesman Nathaniel Styer.

Also, the city has yet to send out high school offers, leaving families in the dark about where their children will attend school next year.

Education department officials said they expect to share them in June.

Typically, the education department gives families several months to plan for the upcoming year. The unpredictability of the calendar has been a burden for some families.

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