Report shows NYC’s unsafe streets



A report has shown New York City’s unsafe streets. This was made possible through data obtained through a website that tracks dangerous roads in the city.

Amid a high rate of casualties and fatalities in New York City, the website uses data to pinpoint the most unsafe locations.

Labelled ‘Special Equity NYC,’ this new source of information aims to fight back the record-breaking rates of deaths and injuries this year stemming from traffic deaths. It is a collaboration between Transportation Alternatives and MIT.

Cory Epstein of Transportation Alternatives said: “The Spatial Equity NYC website is really a one-stop shop for New Yorkers and for policymakers to see how decisions around public space have led to really horrible and inequitable consequences for people living across the city.”

The website reveals that some neighborhoods have five times the rates of traffic deaths and injuries and combines a host of other data to make sense of it.

It also reveals that the rate of deaths on any corridor can be directly impacted by the presence of bike lanes.

‘Spacial Equity NYC’ is an attempt by its creators to strengthen New Yorkers with data. This will help them demand specific changes— for example, greater access to parks if their neighborhood ranks low on that—rather than demand generic change.

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