Indian authorities must take firm action against perpetrators of violence against muslims — OIC


The recent acts of violence and vandalism targeting the Muslim community in India during the Ram Navami processions have caused deep concern for the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The burning of a madrasa and its library by an extremist Hindu mob in Bihar Sharif on 31 March 2023 is a particularly alarming event that cannot be ignored.

The OIC General Secretariat strongly denounces such provocative acts of violence and vandalism that are a clear indication of the mounting Islamophobia and systemic targeting of the Muslim community in India. These actions are a violation of human rights, and they are entirely unacceptable. They have created an environment of fear and intimidation for Muslims, which is not conducive to peaceful coexistence and social harmony.

The OIC General Secretariat urges the Indian authorities to take firm actions against the instigators and perpetrators of such acts. It is the responsibility of the Indian government to ensure the safety, security, rights, and dignity of the Muslim community in the country. The government must uphold its obligations to protect all of its citizens, regardless of their religious affiliation.

In light of recent events, it is essential for the Indian government to take immediate action to address the underlying issues of Islamophobia and systemic discrimination against the Muslim community. This can be done by promoting interfaith dialogue, increasing awareness about the importance of religious tolerance and diversity, and taking concrete steps to ensure the protection of the rights of minorities.

The OIC General Secretariat stands in solidarity with the Muslim community in India and calls for an end to all forms of discrimination and violence against them. It is time for all of us to work together to promote understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity, which are essential for building a peaceful and prosperous society.

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