Iraq, Saudi Arabia hold talks to restore Baghdad-Riyadh flights


The Iraqi Minister of Transport, Razzaq Al-Saadawi, engaged in bilateral discussions with his Saudi counterpart, Saleh Al-Jasser, on the revitalization of air travel between Baghdad and Riyadh.

These discussions unfolded on Monday, taking place on the sidelines of the Sustainable Maritime Industry Conference (SMIC) held in the vibrant Saudi city of Jeddah. The Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported on these pivotal talks.

During the meeting, Minister Al-Saadawi earnestly urged Minister Al-Jasser to swiftly reinstate flights connecting the capital cities of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In response, Minister Al-Jasser expressed Saudi Arabia’s keen interest in advancing the ambitious railway project connecting the two nations.

These ministerial dialogues delved into the intricate aspects of Iraq’s ongoing Development Road project, as outlined by the Iraqi Transport Ministry. It was revealed that a Saudi technical delegation is poised to visit Baghdad in the imminent days to conduct detailed discussions regarding the Development Road initiative.

The agenda encompassed broader themes as well. Both ministers underscored the significance of the maritime transport agreement between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, emphasizing its pivotal role in bolstering trade interactions between the two nations. Matters concerning border crossings and ports were also a focal point of the conversation.

Minister Al-Jasser underscored Saudi Arabia’s unwavering commitment to surmount any obstacles that might hinder the resumption of flights between the two nations, indicating a shared determination to enhance bilateral relations.

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