Iraq reveals secret mediation between Iran, Arab countries


Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has announced on Saturday the existence of a confidential mediation effort between Iran and multiple Arab countries. Al-Sudani, however, declined to disclose the specific names of these Arab nations involved.

This covert mediation, shrouded in secrecy, is currently being orchestrated by Iraq, acting as an intermediary between Iran and various Arab countries. Al-Sudani emphasized that the details of this diplomatic endeavor, along with the identities of the participating nations, would remain undisclosed until tangible results have been achieved. This clandestine operation was confirmed by the Fars News Agency.

The Iraqi Prime Minister’s disclosure occurred during a high-profile meeting held in the capital city of Baghdad. Attending the meeting were journalists and media professionals representing a multitude of media outlets from Iran.

News circulating prior to Al-Sudani’s revelation indicated that Baghdad had embarked on a mission to mediate between Iran and several Arab nations, with a particular focus on Jordan, Bahrain, and Egypt. This initiative follows Iraq’s successful hosting of several rounds of negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, culminating in an agreement to restore relations signed in Beijing.

Recent reports from Iraqi media outlets have also highlighted ongoing mediation efforts between Iraq and Oman aimed at reestablishing diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement earlier, expressing its readiness to embrace positive developments that promote stronger ties between the Iranian people and Egypt. They categorically denied imposing any travel restrictions on Egyptian citizens visiting Iran.

The historical backdrop of strained relations between Cairo and Tehran dates back to 1979, following the Islamic Revolution, when Ayatollah Khomeini, the revolution’s leader, severed diplomatic ties with Egypt in response to Egypt’s signing of the Camp David Accords with Israel. Tensions further escalated in 1980 when late Egyptian President Mohamed Anwar Sadat hosted the deposed Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

The revelation of Iraq’s role as a secret mediator in these delicate diplomatic negotiations has sparked intrigue and interest on the global stage, as the world awaits the outcome of this discreet diplomatic endeavor.

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