Iraq explores plans to boost electricity generation in meeting with stellar energy


The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, engaged in discussions with Stellar Energy’s Chairman, Peter Gibson, focusing on the nation’s strategic efforts to amplify its electricity output.

During the meeting, Al-Sudani underscored the government’s keen interest in augmenting electricity production, affirming its importance as a critical objective. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) issued a statement indicating that Al-Sudani particularly emphasized the enhancement of combined cycle power plants’ output.

Highlighting the pivotal role of electricity production in the government’s development agenda, Al-Sudani detailed the strategic significance of this initiative. He further elucidated that the provision of additional support and facilities to companies operating in the power and energy sectors is central to the government’s strategy, recognizing their interdependence with other key sectors.

Gibson, the Chairman of Stellar Energy, took the opportunity to present an overview of the projects undertaken by his company in the realm of electricity generation within Iraq.

In his remarks, he reaffirmed Stellar Energy’s unwavering commitment to fulfilling its obligations in the country and expressed readiness to expand electricity production and bolster electric power transmission infrastructure, aligning with the surging demand for electricity.

This high-level dialogue between the Iraqi government and Stellar Energy signals a concerted effort to address the nation’s electricity challenges and pave the way for enhanced energy stability and growth.

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