Iraq unveils ambitious plan to construct 20 new cities to tackle housing crisis


In a bid to alleviate the growing housing crisis gripping major cities across Iraq, the country’s Minister of Construction, Housing, and Public Municipalities, Bangen Rekani, announced a monumental endeavor.

Plans for the construction of over 20 innovative residential cities have been finalized, marking a significant milestone in Iraq’s urban development strategy.

Addressing a captive audience at the inaugural conference titled ‘The Government Program and Solution to the Housing Crisis,’ Minister Rekani underscored the urgent need for action, citing the rapid deterioration of housing infrastructure as the root cause of the crisis.

Of these 20 new urban centers, three are slated to take shape in the Baghdad governorate, a testament to the government’s commitment to evenly distribute the benefits of this ambitious project.

Minister Rekani drew attention to the staggering population growth in Iraq since 2003, with urban areas now accommodating 70 percent of the population, far surpassing rural regions. This urban migration has placed unprecedented strain on cities, giving rise to sprawling slums and dilapidated housing conditions.

Rekani further illuminated the scope of the issue by revealing that only a paltry 7,000 housing units have been constructed with government funding since 2003. He emphasized that these new cities represent a beacon of hope, offering a formidable solution to the housing predicament.

Experts concur that the ongoing development of these cities is poised to effectively combat the worsening housing crisis in a nation inhabited by more than 43 million people. Beyond providing shelter, this initiative promises to usher in new employment opportunities and alleviate congestion that has plagued Iraqi urban centers for far too long. As Iraq takes this bold step towards progress, the world watches with keen interest, recognizing the potential transformative impact of these 20 new cities on the nation’s future.

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