Iraqi Defense Minister arrives in Turkey for high-level talks following Ankara bombing


Iraqi Defense Minister Thabet Al-Abbasi arrived in Turkey, leading a prominent military delegation. The visit, scheduled for discussions with Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler, marks a crucial diplomatic effort to address pressing security and defense matters, as well as explore avenues for enhanced bilateral cooperation in the defense industries sector.

The Iraqi Embassy in Ankara issued an official statement confirming that a reception ceremony is set to be held in honor of Minister Al-Abbasi on Thursday. During his stay, the two ministers will engage in comprehensive discussions on a wide range of issues concerning the security landscape, defense strategies, and shared interests.

The visit comes in the aftermath of Turkish military airstrikes targeting Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, a move precipitated by a recent attack attributed to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) outside government buildings in Ankara. According to reports from the Anadolu Agency, the PKK claimed responsibility for the attack, prompting swift retaliatory action by the Turkish military.

Just days prior, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced airstrikes in northern Iraq, closely following the PKK’s claim of responsibility for a suicide attack targeting the Turkish Ministry of Interior’s headquarters in Ankara. Iraq swiftly condemned these airstrikes, with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid expressing hope for a negotiated resolution to the escalating situation between the two nations.

Turkey’s longstanding designation of the PKK as a terrorist organization has led to recurring airstrikes in northern Iraq. Additionally, Turkey has deployed military forces and established bases on Iraqi soil to bolster its campaign against the group, further fueling tensions in the region. The high-level talks between the Iraqi and Turkish defense ministers aim to address these issues and foster stability in the region.

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