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Albanian police raid Iranian dissidents camp

Albanian police on Tuesday raided a camp home to members of an Iranian opposition movement, with local media reporting that the group is suspected of orchestrating cyberattacks against foreign institutions.The Ashraf 3 camp northwest of

Iran, Egypt seek diplomatic ties

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, has expressed his willingness to enhance diplomatic relations with Egypt. He made this known during a meeting with Oman's Sultan, according Iranian state media on Monday. Historically, the

Iran captures infiltrators linked to Israel

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Esmail Khatib has announced that the country’s forces had recently captured a “terrorist” group linked to Israel, local media reported. Khatib said the team was captured while entering across the

Iran executes dual Swedish-Iranian citizen

Iran has executed a Swedish-Iranian dissident convicted of leading an Arab separatist group accused of attacks, including one on a military parade in 2018 that killed 25 people. According to Iran's severe interpretation of Islamic law,

Iran executes dual Swedish-Iranian citizen

Iran has executed a Swedish-Iranian dissident convicted of leading an Arab separatist group accused of attacks, including one on a military parade in 2018 that killed 25 people. According to Iran's severe interpretation of Islamic law,