Man impregnates his mother twice



By Godfrey Olukya 1-11-2012

Residents of Pote village in Zimbabwe are hunting for a man who has allegedly impregnated his mother two times.

According to the village elder, Abel Chilusi, the man identified as Simon Matsvara confessed that he impregnated his mother Ethel Vhangare.

‘He confessed before elders that he was responsible for the pregnancy before he fled from the village. His mother also later fled. We are looking for them.’ said Chilusi.

He said that they suspect that they have fled to neighboring villages. He said that when arrested they will be subjected to face the village court for punishment.

The couple reportedly fled after the church members learnt of the pregnancy.

The mother reportedly started failing to go to church and the members visited her thinking that she was sick. They later discovered that she was five months pregnant and that the son was responsible for the pregnancy.

The village chief, Chinan Hora said that was the second time for the son to impregnate his mother. He said that the first time the mother got a miscarriage.

‘That time we fined them and forgave them. But this time we will give them a tougher punishment.’


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