The Annual Muslim Day Parade


Dear Community and Faith Leaders

The annual Muslim Day Parade is just 5 weeks away.
In these troubled times rife with violence and intolerance around the world, plus a polarizing presidential campaign  here at home where an unabashedly Islamophobic candidate of a major political party, spews racist and hateful demagoguery, the need for us to come together to counter this with our own message of love and compassion, peace and hope has never been greater and more timely. That is why this year’s Muslim Day Parade is so important.
Muslim immigrants from Africa constitute one of the largest contingent of Muslims in New York. Let us come out in force to join our Brothers and Sisters from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas and show our fellow Americans the true meaning of our faith and the cultural and ethnic diversity of the Ummah. On behalf of the organizing committee we urge you to spread the word in your Masajids and community centers and encourage family and friends to come and enjoy what is expected to be a day of celebration, pride and joy. The flyer for the event on September 25th is attached. Inshallah, we all see each other then.
Wa Salaam,
Imam S. Konate, Imam, Masjid Aqsa, Co-char Muslim Day Parade (MDP)
Dr Mohammed A. Nurhussein, Trustee MDP
Hon Sidique Wai, Trustee, MDP
 MDP Final 2016 Flyer
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