China offers Gambia $50 million grant to support One China Policy


On Saturday the Chinese government offered The Gambia a sum of fifty million US dollars to buy their support for One China Policy, which debars Taiwanese from having their independence. The grant was said to be used for the construction of an international conference center in The Gambia.

Witnessed by President Adama Barrow, the Project agreement was signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, Ousainou Darbo on behalf of the Government of The Gambia, while the Chinese Ambassador to The Gambia, His Excellency, Zhang Jiming signed on behalf of his government.

President Barrow appreciated the Chinese government for her  confidence in the New Gambia. He expressed gratitude to Ambassador Zhang Jiming for his personal support demonstrated since he took leadership of the country.

The President added that his government will continue to strongly support china’s diplomatic mission both home and abroad.

“Be rest assured that we are fully in support of your government’s  One China policy,” said President Barrow.

Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Jiming stated the construction will not only strenghten the bilateral relation between his country and The Gambia, but it will also create employment opportunities and support the tourism sector of the country.

“Upon completion it will be another monumental symbol of the China-Gambia bilateral relations similar to that of the Independent stadium built in Bakau in the 1980s. He said the International Conference Center will provide employment and boost tourism,” said Jiming.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Ousainou Darbo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, commended China’s continuous support to The Gambia  and her citizen most especially in the area of education and infrastructure.

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