If there is any continent capable of taking over the world digital space in the next few decades, it must be Africa. In recent times, Africans have refused to be mere onlookers in the industrial revolution drama of the world. It is really interesting seeing Africans contributing to the development and advancement of the world in areas of Information Technology.

No doubt, these contributions have gone a long way to elevate the status of the continent as perceived by the children of the world. The increasing number of Tech startups in different countries across the African continent is a pointer to this progress. According to the African Outlook report, “Africa will experience an increase in growth with about 3.4 percent in 2017”

The road to industrialization has never been easy for any continent. This is exactly why Africa’s case is quite impressive. In 2016 alone, Tech startups raised $129 million in Africa. Such a feat in any part of the world is uncommon, most especially for a continent that has been sinking in bad waters for long. Such a recovery is unprecedented.

With the current offshoot of Tech startups that Africa is experiencing, whatever that must impede Africa’s takeover of the world must be in for something. As a matter of fact, virtually all other continents have explored their potentials and the only place left to be explored is Mother Africa.

Loads of African Children are beginning to rise to this need. Little wonder a number of African ideas are being pushed to the global scene gradually. From recreation to conceptual identities: Numerous games with African origination have been pushed out. The intrigues that come with them have helped in universal acceptability. “Ayo Olopon” –a kind of seed-capture game is a good example here.

Digitalization has made a number of Africans become global Entrepreneur with huge worth. If only the trend will continue, the control of the world, especially in areas of Information Technology will one day be under the disposition of Africans.





Author: Adelaja Ridwan (MCR Reporter)

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