Nigeria’s former Vice President becomes new Waziri of Adamawa

Following the demise of Alhaji Abba Mohammed last week, there has been speculations in Adamawa State as to who becomes the new Waziri of the land. As according to traditions, the Waziri must be a personality of outstanding qualities -someone who is worthy of emulation.  Someone of great of royal eminence who must have contributed to the development and advancement of the state.

Alhaji Abba Mohammed before his death was no doubt an influential person in Adamawa state. This speaks volume as why he was the Waziri of the land while alive (until last week, when the news of his passing on was announced). Thus, all through the week,  there has been tension in the land as to who takes over the Waziri title.

Following the announcement,  installing the former Vice President,  Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as new Waziri, by the Adamawa Emirate Council,  congratulatory messages have taken over the air space, rejoicing with the state man. To many, it’s a well deserved honor. Mr Ajara Tijani, an astute media personnel describes the honour as recognising patriotism and rewarding service in a kind manner.

“One thing that has been killing us is that we don’t celebrate our people -especially those who have demostrated patriotism. I am really glad we are beginning to identify our problems and most importantly solving them. Making Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as the new Waziri is a well deserved one. It is a way of rewarding service,” he said.

Mr Ajara Tijani also added that there is a dire need for the country to do more for her heroes.  He emphasized on the need for their celebration even while alive.

“We must not wait until death snatch our beloved heroes before drawing up action plans to celebrate them. We can always show them that we appreciate their service while alive.  This elder state man for example has not only represented the good people of Adamawa,  he has taken Nigeria’s flag to the international scene,” he added.

Meanwhile,  son of the state man,  Aliyu is also in the news. He has also been announced as the Turaki of the state. This time, it is not just about the father, it is about the son, too.

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