President Farmaajo mourns the death of soldiers, promises to crunch the al-shabaab terrorists


In a release from the office of the presidency, today (9th of June), the president,  his Excellency Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has expressed sadness over the unfortunate lost of his soldiers who died in the Af-Urur attack executed by the notorious As-shabaab terrorist group. The President described these late Soldiers’ service in ensuring safety in the land, at the expense of their lives, as a complete virtue.

“We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of a number of our gallant soldiers in today’s attack in Af-Urur, Puntland. They fought hard and bravely for their country, to keep their people safe during this holy month of Ramadan. We will forever remember them, they are the real martyrs.”

President Farmaajo went further to promise of bringing the terrorist group to extinction as efforts to this end will be intensified. He sent his heartfelt condolence to the families of the late soldiers as he made his promise of cleansing the land off activities of terrorists.

“We will pursue them, and we will defeat Al-shabab terrorists,” the President said. Adding that, “This once again proves that the enemy we are facing is dangerous, is bent on causing harm to the peace loving people of this country and must be fought with by all means. We must show no mercy in dealing with Al-shabab.”

In addition to his condolence message and promise of knocking off terrorism, he was reported to have spoken with the President of Puntland, reassuring him of his support in protecting his administration and his people. He was once again quoted of bringing Al-shabaab to book.

“We promise that Al-shabab won’t get away with this. As of now, our troops are in hot pursuit of the enemy; they will pay for today’s attack. I am confident our forces would defeat this abhorrent enemy.”

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