NGO encourages children in IDPs camp to return to school, supports them with school materials


During a visit to the site of the Internally Displaced Persons, in Abuja,  today (10th of June), the Founder of Out of School Children Initiative in Nigeria (OSCIN),  Mrs Patience Uhunamure, spoke on the need and essence of education in the development of every children. According to her, OSCIN’s primary objective is to ensure these kids, found loitering around as a result of their unfortunate displacement, are back in school to continue with their education.

“Our primary objective is to enroll most of you back in school because we have seen the needs for a good education and to also tell the parents to enrol their wards in school because of the importance of education.”

Mrs Uhunamure, while handing over the learning aids (brought to assist the course), addressed the children, enjoining them to keep their hope high and never to get discouraged. She urged them to look up to great personalities and pick role models from those who (over time) has established their names while in the service of their people. She particularly mentioned and recommended former President Olusegun Obasanjo and former President Goodluck Jonathan as individuals worthy of emulation.

“All of you can become the president of Nigeria in future. The fact that you don’t have a parent or you are from a poor background should not limit you.

“Most of you have left your abode to take refuge here but this should not prevent you from having access to good and quality education.”

In addendum to the founder’s appeal to government, well meaning Nigerians and other NGOs towards salvaging the situation, Mr Wale Elekolusi, the National Coordinator of the organisation, added that education is the only mitigation that can help overcome  the challenges that life may pose at man. He described education as a key with the potency of opening doors for men. He urged the children to maximise the advantage of the learning aids that has been donated to assist them.

In kind appreciation of the charitable gesture from the organisation,  Alhaji Usman Adamu, Vice Chairman of the IDPs camp, expressed gratitude, thanking the Founder and her team. He also called on the Government to be alive to assisting the Camp’s activities.

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