Nigerian Guild of Editors calls for peace, urges all to avoid hate speech in new communique


In recent times in Nigeria, peace has been threatened and instability has been sensed in some parts of the Country. Nigerians, unlike before, are no longer united as of old. One of the causative organism to this has been hate speeches from one man to another on the account of tribalism, ethnicity and religion. It is even sickening to see mere political appointments spurring public unrest in the land.

It is in this light that the Nigerian Guild of Editors have risen to help cut out the growing tumor of instability in the land, condemning the sponsor of hate speech while endearing all to respect one another’s differences.

In a communique from the Editors, following their meeting on the 16th of June in Lagos, it is emphatically noted that living in the mist of hates and like grudging brothers will not but kill the country the more and that the earlier the better we rise against this tide of evil about to engulf our heritage. The communiqué spells it out the more reason unity is key and why anything short of standing together is evil.

“Those sowing seeds of discord should realize that they are not just destroying the dreams of the nation’s founding fathers but the progress we have made over the years as a nation; their actions have the capacity to alter the destiny of Nigeria negatively.”

“The Guild reminds the hate agents that as major stakeholders in the Nigerian Project, editors and journalists fought for the enthronement of the current democratic dispensation, with some paying the supreme price, to birth a constitutional government.

“The Guild regrets that elders from different parts of the country kept quiet for too long, which allowed the youths to take over the socio-political space and brought the nation to the present situation. The Guild urges the elders across the country to always keenly take interest in the affairs of the nation, rather than play the ostrich.

“The Guild also urges Nigerians to ignore those agitating for the dismemberment of the country and to go about their businesses without fear or let, and focus more on repositioning the country for present and future generations.

“The Guild appreciates the firm and decisive intervention of the Acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, which has calmed the situation and urges the government to do more.

“The Guild notes that the Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, has been issuing orders to his men to get these persons arrested but is worried that no commensurate action has been taken. It urges the Police to be more responsive and pragmatic.

“The Guild commends the Nigeria Police Force for the arrest of the kidnap kingpin, Chukwudi Dumeme Onuamadike and other kidnappers and urges that they should do more to ensure the release of the abducted pupils of Igbonla Model College, Epe in Lagos State, who have been missing for more than three weeks now.”

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