Uganda to host refugees donor summit to raise $8 billion


Governments and international organizations are meeting in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, in the sense of raising money for the daily increasing number of refugees in the country.

The summit is commencing on June 22 to June 23, 2017(Thursday and Friday) respectively.

The UN Secretary, General Antonio Guterres and other high level international guests are expected to be actively present in the country for the summit. Donors for the two days Refugee Solidarity Conference, will also attend.

Uganda, after the summit, hopes to have rise $8 billion. The money of which is planned to further aid the refugees in different Uganda’s districts for at least the next four years

“Uganda is hosting this week’s Refugee solidarity summit, in the urgent plea for help,” said Musa Ecweru, Uganda’s state Minister for refugees.

Uganda, according to the records, hosts 1.2 million refugees for the time being. The number yet escalates every single day as 2,000 more of the refugees reach the country daily to seek refuge, after they have fled from their countries, most of whom are South Sudan people.

Uganda is ranked by the United Nations as a country which has hosted the largest number of refugees in Africa.

However, the country is somehow finding it challenging due to the high competition now, between the refugees and the host communities over different basic needs. Thus continuously seeking for support from different organizations

Uganda offers plots where refugees build round mud huts and a small portion for farming in different districts around with the citizens, leading to the competition for needs.

“A district that was supposed to host 300,000 people, is now hosting 600,000 to 700,000 people. These people are competing for drugs that are initially supposed to be used by the host communities in the health centers,” explained Ecweru, the state minister for refugees in Uganda.

“So,” he spoke further, “there are so many things that are under pressure, hence wanting the international community to support us (Uganda) and lift the pressure.”

Tara Newell, Medecins Sans Frontieres’s (MSF) operations manager for Uganda explained that, if the international response concerning inadequate resources, poor water and sanitation conditions and shortage of food fails, the situation is likely to turn into a medical emergency.

She mentioned Palorinya, a settlement whose 80 percent of the population depends on water treated by MSF.

“Even though we are pumping and treating record amounts of water in Palorinya, the water is barely enough for the population,” Tara explained.

Uganda is known for its progressive approach for refugees, and the government says, “Uganda will not shut its doors to the people in need.”

However, support is highly needed otherwise the country cannot bear this burden alone.





Reporter: Namuddu Shamilah

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