Foreign ministers on a telephone conversation, discuss way forward on the situation in Middle East


Ever since the unrest in the middle east around June, different communities, parties and organizations have shown considerable interest in ending the crisis. Today, 10th of July, it is reported that “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a telephone conversation with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, at the latter’s request.

The ministers were reported to have “exchanged opinions on the situation in the Middle East, with a focus on the events around Qatar.”

The reported from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation noted that “Mr Shoukry informed Mr Lavrov of the results of the meeting between foreign ministers of several Arab states that took place on June 5 in Cairo and focused on the situation in the Persian Gulf.”

It is further reported in the press release as published that “Sergey Lavrov and Sameh Shoukry also discussed the current state and prospects of the Russia-Egypt relations, and agreed to maintain further close contacts on the most significant issues of the bilateral agenda.”

It is in this light hoped that a lasting solution will turn around soon and the Middle East can once again unite for the common purpose of progress.








Correspondent: Olayiwola A. Ridwan

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