23 years old university student died suspiciously in boys’ hostel


KERALA – An engineering student was found hanging in Kerala (the state of India) at National Institute of Technology(NIT) on Sunday night, when his classmates’ calls went unanswered.

A young boy named Arun Krishna died suspiciously. The cause of his death  has not come up to the scene, even though his friends immediately informed hostel warden and police when they noticed this unfortunate incident.

It is stated that police broke the door and took his dead body to hospital where doctors declared him dead, however his body had sent for postmortem at the Konzhikode Medical College.

The dead body of youth is still there for report.

His friends told police, “He stayed alone in his room for the last few days as his roommates has gone home for holidays.”

“He is a very noble and intelligent boy. He never fights. There is nothing unusual about his behavior. He was calm.”

Hostel warden stated, “He was from Thiruvananthapuram, he joined NIT in June.”

Police have been investigating since Sunday, but no evidence of suicide is found yet.

















Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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