Somalia, Djibouti speak against Trump’s decision of making Jerusalem Israel’s capital


Somalia and Djibouti, two East African countries have also come up to react to Donald Trump’s decision of making Jerusalem the capital city of Israel. They say the decision is dangerous.

The citizens of the two countries were seen demonstrating on the streets of their countries saying that Trump’s decision could spark an international crisis. They as well chanted anti-Israel and anti-Trump slogans including “Down, Trump!”

The Somali government informed on Friday, as the citizens protested, that it, and the people of Somalia, were more than ready to support the Palestinians’ struggle for their rights, in any way possible.

‘We have gathered here to express our reaction and show our solidarity with Palestinians who are suffering from Israeli aggression,’ Abdullahi Dabar, one of the protesters said.

‘This is unacceptable, and Trump’s decision, as Muslims, only unites our hearts and minds.’

Garad Hassan, another protester also added that ‘Trump cannot give a historic Islamic city to Israel, and we will fight against any such move to the last drop of our blood.’

On the government’s behalf, the Somalia foreign ministry urged Trump to seriously reconsider the risks that might be as a result of his decision.

‘We are urging the U.S government to seriously reconsider the risks that its decision could have on the future of the Middle East and the world in general,’ said a statement Friday from Somalia’s foreign ministry.

‘We call for Arab, Muslim and other nations to redouble their efforts to find a solution to the Palestinian issue in order to end the crisis in the region,’ said the ministry.

In Djibouti, the government as well as the citizens called the U.S decision on Jerusalem a grave one.

‘This grave decision, contrary to international law and United Nations resolutions, is potentially dangerous insofar as it fears an escalation of tensions in the Middle East and beyond.’

‘The Republic of Djibouti reiterates its commitment to the two-state solution, living side by side in peace and security with East Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Palestinian state.’



















Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu

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