DOE officials ask sitting superintendents to join public candidate forums


On Monday, Department of Education officials announced that all sitting superintendents have been asked to join a round of public candidate forums, after some initially did not make the cut.

New York City is considering plans to make incumbent superintendents reapply for their positions in revamped district leadership roles.

Recall that in March, when New York City Chancellor David Banks announced he would make 45 superintendents reapply for their positions, he also promised to make the process of picking new district leaders more inclusive than before.

That promise appears to have backfired. Parents are protesting because some well-liked superintendents were cut before the public had a chance to weigh in on who should lead their districts.

The education department is now retracing its steps.

“When I make the final determination of who will best serve all students in each district, that decision will combine the passionate feedback of parents and community members and each candidate’s ability to articulate a comprehensive vision for the future,” Banks said in a statement on Monday.

Banks has said they will play an even bigger role while he is chancellor, expanding their budgets and giving them more staff to better support principals and serve as a touchpoint between parents and the nation’s largest school system.

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