Ramadan Guide: Make Hay

By Femi AbbasEmail:femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122697498 (Text only)PreambleThe similitude of Ramadan, among the five pillars of Islam, is like that of a faculty with many departments in the University of life. Its template for…

Ramadan Guide: Eidul Fitr

By Femi Abbase-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com Tel: 08122697498Preamble For everything that has a beginning in the life of man, there must be an end with a climax as well as an anti-climax. The climax of Ramadan fast is LaylatulQadr…

Ramadan Guide: Self Assessment

By Femi Abbase-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com Tel: 08122697498 (Text only)Like any aspect of human life, Ramadan is a test which every Muslim should endeavour to pass. Without waiting to be asked, a good Muslim must be able to sincerely…

Ramadan Guide: Zakatul Fitr

By Femi Abbase-mail: femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122697498Linguistically, the Arabic word Zakah simply means purity. But semantically, it means the spiritual purification of wealth in one’s possession which some other people are not…

Ramadan Guide: Laylatul Qadr

By Femi Abbase-mail: femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122897498 Nights are naturally pregnant. They give birth to wonders in the days. In human life, the essence of night is not just to sleep and rest. It is also to plan how the next day…

Ramadan Guide: Mating in Ramadan

By Femi Abbase-mail: femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122897498 This article ought to have been published at the beginning of this year’s Ramadan. But an oversight, being a human factor, set in as a cause of delay. However, it is still…

Ramadan Guide: Indebtedness 2

By Femi AbbasE-mail: femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122697498 (Text only)As stated in this column yesterday, the intention of rectifying material indebtedness by proxy must be in the name of the debtor and the source of funding must be…

Ramadan Guide: Indebtedness 1

By Femi AbbasE-mail: femabbas756@gmail.comTel: 08122697498 (Text only) Indebtedness, in Islam, is not just about monetary or any other material loan. It can also be spiritual, or moral. Each of these is considered a problem for which…

Ramadan Guide: Problems of Tafsir

By Femi AbbasE-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com Tel: 08115708536 (Text only)PREAMBLEIt is understandable that most of the Tafsir books available in the world today are in Arabic language. The language of the revelation of the Qur'an is…