EU donates $95 million to support South Sudan refugees in Uganda


Due to the daily escalating number of refugees from South Sudan to Uganda, the government of Uganda appealed for external support as it could not deal with the increasing number on its own.

Devising means on how to collect some money, the Ugandan government planned to hold a refugee donor summit in the country’s capital (Kampala), with an aim of raising $8 billion, in a bid to manage supporting the refugees in the country up to the next four years.

During the summit that commenced yesterday, 22 June, 2017, and scheduled to be finalized today, the EU, in the presence of other governments and international organizations, announced its contribution of €85 million (an equivalent of $95 million).

The announcement was made by Stylianides Christos, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, on behalf of the European Commission (EU).

“To help Uganda deal with this unprecedented situation and support the most vulnerable refugees, the European Commission is today announcing €85 million in humanitarian aid and longer term assistance development,” said Commissioner Stylianides.

“Many refugees have fled conflict from South Sudan seeking asylum from hatred, violence and hunger. Uganda’s example of helping vulnerable people cope with displacement, is an example for the whole world but however, no country can deal with such a high number of refugees on its own,” he added.

The Commissioner also explained that the EU funding announced, would help humanitarians working in Uganda to bring some relief to those “who have lost everything.”

It was also elaborated that, €65 million of the money is aimed at responding to the most pressing humanitarian needs like: food, shelter, protection, provision of water and education.

The remaining €20 million in development aid, will be channeled through EU Trust Fund for Africa. The funding aims at increasing the self-reliance of refugees, and the socio-economic development of their hosting communities.




Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu

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