New York court sentences Hollywood producer to 23 years


The New York court has sentenced 67-year-old Harvey Weinstein, the powerful Hollywood’s figure, to 23 years in prison.

In two sexual assault convictions, the Hollywood’s figure was on Wednesday March 11th, 2020 sentenced to 20 years in prison for first-degree criminal sexual assault against production assistant Miriam Haley in 2006. He received another three years for third-degree rape of actress Jessica Mann in 2013.

Weinstein defense attorney had asked that the court be lenient to give Weinstein a lesser prison term of five years because any term longer could be a “a de facto life sentence” for Weinstein considering his present heath conditions.

Against Weinstein attorney’s appeal, Haley, one of the accusers asked the judge to give Weinstein a sentence that would be “long enough for Harvey Weinstein to acknowledge what he has done,” saying that he has shown lack of remorse and acknowledgement for is crimes.

Similarly, Mann also asked for a third-degree rape longer sentence term for Weinstein referencing long-term sentence for drug charges.

“How am I not worth more than cocaine?” Mann said.

Donna Rotunno a defence council for Weistein had criticized the sentence as being “obscene” obnoxious and “cowardly” saying that Weinstein was not allowed to get a fair hearing.

Addressing the court for the first time, Weinstein said that he felt remorse for his actions and deeply in his heart.

“I really feel remorse for this situation,” Weinstein said.

“I feel it deeply in my heart. I will spend my time really caring and really trying to be a better person,” he added.

Weinstein had earlier on denied any nonconsensual sexual activity with his accusers and stated in court on Wednesday that he had a nice time with people who accused him of the sexual assault.

“I’m not going to say that these aren’t great people. I’ve had wonderful times with these people,” he stated.

The Wednesday’s sentence was based on Miriam Haley’s and Jessica Mann’s testimonies against Weinstein in court which finally served him 23 years prison time.

Testifying in court, Haley said, “If Harvey Weinstein had not been convicted by this jury, it would have happened again and again and again.”

Haley further disclosed how pleased she felt that woman would now feel safe knowing that a sexual predator has been given his legal worth.

“I’m relieved he will now know he’s not above the law. I’m relieved there are women out there who are safer because he’s not out there.” She remarked.

Haley giving account of her ordeal in the hands of Weinstein said,
“I believe that when he attacked me that evening with physical force, with no regard for my cries and protests, it scarred me deeply — mentally and emotionally,”

Speaking after the sentence had been handed down, Gloria Allred, representing three accusers sent words of warning to other sexual predators out there.

“If you are a sexual predator and you are confused, all you have to do is remember this – 20 plus three years,” Allred said.

“And if you’re a high-profile figure, don’t expect anything but equal justice.” She added.

Scott Berkowitz, president of The US Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), similarly in a statement spoke about the Weinstein’s prison term as he said the case “will have a lasting legacy.”

“We hope that survivors will feel encouraged to come forward, knowing that it can truly make a difference in bringing perpetrators to justice,” he noted.

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