Google employees receive $1,000 to set up workplaces at home


Google has disclosed that it would distribute $1,000 to its employee to equip their homes as some of its staff would be working at home for the rest of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In an email to employee on Tuesday, Google CEO Sundar Picha said, “We’ll be giving each Googler an allowance of $1,000 USD, or the equivalent value in your country, to purchase necessary equipment and office furniture.”

Picha further said that the company would be “investing more in your work-from-home setup to make sure you have what you need to be productive and comfortable.”

According to Picha, few Google workers would be required to return to office for work while for many other workers returning to the office would be optional.

“We encourage you to continue to work from home if you can,” said Picha.

On July 6, many of Googles buildings would be reopened and employees would have the opportunity to return to office though on a rotational basis to ensure that ten percent building capacity which is expected to be increased to thirty percent in September.

As of December 2019, 114,000 employees Google has 114,000 employees with over 70 offices in 50 countries.

This announcement came shortly after Facebook announced that it would commence open remote hiring in July saying that 50,000 employees would be working outside their offices in the next five to ten years.

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