800,000 South Sudanese affected by severe flooding


At least 800,000 people have been affected by the severe flooding in South Sudan, leaving them without adequate food, water or shelter.

This was stated by Medecins Sans Frontieres on Tuesday October 27, 2020.

“Many areas in South Sudan have been flooded since July, while river levels are continuing to rise, worsening the crisis,” the Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders.

The international humanitarian medical non-governmental organization also said in a statement that.”The need for medical care in South Sudan are increasing with a sharp rise in malaria cases and fears of outbreaks of other diseases.”

Ibrahim Muhammad, the MSF head of mission in South Sudan added that, “This year’s floods are happening against the backdrop of multiple emergencies including COVID-19, increased violence and fighting, a growing economic crisis, and high levels of food insecurity,”

“Now, we are preparing for an increase in diseases in all flood-affected areas, such as diarrheal diseases and malaria, given the high risks caused by displacement and crowding, poor hygiene conditions, and a lack of functioning latrines,” he added.

The floods also prevented residents from reaching health care facilities, according to the MSF.

“In the MSF hospital in Lankien, in Jonglei State, the MSF has seen fewer patients since high floodwaters made it nearly impossible for people to travel from surrounding areas,” the statement read.

“The local airstrip has flooded, making it more difficult to deliver medical supplies or refer patients to other medical facilities when needed,” it added.

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