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Saudi Arabia

Pilgrims conclude Hajj rituals, depart from Mina

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims bid farewell to the tent city of Mina on the second day of Ayyam Al-Tashreeq after completing the stoning ritual at the symbolic pillars of Satan. The spiritual journey culminated with pilgrims leaving

Pilgrims conclude Hajj rituals, depart from Mina

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims bid farewell to the tent city of Mina on the second day of Ayyam Al-Tashreeq after completing the stoning ritual at the symbolic pillars of Satan. The spiritual journey culminated with pilgrims leaving

Crowds ‘stone the devil’ in final hajj ritual

Massive crowds of robed Muslims gathered for the "stoning of the devil" ritual in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday as the biggest hajj pilgrimage since the pandemic draws to a close. From dawn, hundreds of thousands of worshippers began

Saudi announces Sudan aid funding conference

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday has announced an international conference next week to gather aid pledges for war-ravaged Sudan, where the United Nations says more than half the population urgently needs assistance and protection.The pledging

Saudi establishes new company to cut down tobacco use

The Public Investment Fund (PIF) has launched a new company to reduce the number of smokers in Saudi Arabia. The company named Badael will offer its tobacco-free nicotine delivery products available across Saudi Arabia by the end of

Saudi students win 27 prizes at ISEF 2023

Talented Saudi students win 27 prizes at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF 2023). According to a report, the competition was concluded in the United States of America on Friday. The 35-member Saudi team

Saudi students win 27 prizes at ISEF 2023

Talented Saudi students win 27 prizes at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF 2023). According to a report, the competition was concluded in the United States of America on Friday. The 35-member Saudi team

Saudi Arabia operates first relief plane to Sudan

The first aid plane to Sudan has been organised by Saudi Arabia, represented by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KS Relief). According to a report on 9, May, 2023, the plane, carrying 10 tons of relief supplies,